Xeriscape for Desert Planting

7 years ago · · 0 comments

Xeriscape for Desert Planting

The method of xeriscaping, which means attempting to grow plants that have less requirements of water, has become quite popular in this age when most people are thinking green. Besides being a benefit for conservation of water resources, xeriscaping also adds to the aesthetic value of the landscape and cuts down the time required on watering, weeding and trimming. Because plants are carefully chosen from those that have less requirements for water, weeds do not grow much in xeriscaped gardens. Mostly, xerophytic plants like cacti, succulents and shrubs that have minimal water needs are selected. The word xeriscape is a portmanteau of two words – the Greek ‘xeri’ which means ‘dry’ and ‘scape’ which stands for landscape.


People who are planning on going green with xeriscaping need very few resources to begin with. Most people set up these gardens in their lawns. The soil must be conditioned to retain water so that the irrigation requirement is further lessened. The plants can be obtained from any nursery, where even tips on buying the right choice of plants for little or no water requirements are provided. Xeriscaped gardens can be made to look beautiful by selecting a mélange of different kinds of plants, keeping in mind how these plants will look in the garden when they are fully grown. There are gardening specialists who can be invited to plan out and set up a xeriscape garden. Among the various suggestions that a xeriscape expert would provide, one is to group all plants with similar water requirements together so that the watering of the garden can be planned out properly.

water-saving-xeriscapeApart from the fact that xeriscaping is a good way of water conservation, it is also true that it makes the gardening job more efficient and less time-consuming. Cutting down on various garden tasks by the judicious selection of native and desert plants is one prime benefit. If a xeriscape is set up in the lawn, it makes a unique statement for the house and also cuts down on mowing time. Xeriscape gardening clearly shows how people do not need to invest in expensive resources in their mission of going green.

So if you are a person who genuinely wishes to take some constructive environment friendly steps, this is surely one thing you can do right away in your home. Xeriscaping is simple, practical, and speaks volumes about you and your thoughts.

Tags: xeriscape

Categories: Landscaping

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